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“Our biggest aspiration is to push the destroy everything button at least once.” – General Rowe, Boscan Missile Command

So, you’re fighting a good war – but you’ve come to a stalemate. The enemy has a mass of troops and you can’t think of how to stop them…

This looks like a good target...

But with a bit of creative use of long range missiles, which are probably banned by international treaties anything can be accomplished!

They're not going anywhere.

Nope, nowhere at all....


Kingdom of Bosca

Bio: The brutal commander-in-chief of the Boscan army.
Hit: Conquest
Miss: Incompetence

Skill – Long Barrel

Helmuth’s troops are extraordinarily well trained in siege and distance warfare. As a consequence, ranged-attack units have superior firepower compared to other factions.

CO Power – Dread Hammer

Helmuth deploys an advanced EMP missile from HQ, targeted at the most expensive cluster of enemy units. The resulting blast affects any enemy units hit and jams their weaponry, preventing them from taking any action.

Posted in Bosca, Commanding Officers.

One Response

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  1. SwampertOwns says

    Like a cross between Grit and Fish Bowl…er, I mean Von Bolt.

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