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Survival: Last Stand Mode

AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! – Everyone behind the Wall

Hopelessly outnumbered. Outgunned. You’ve bet on the wrong side. Don’t go down so easily! Don’t give up! You might be doomed, but there’s hell to pay and you’re the one with the fire and the brimstone. See how long you can last against a supremely overwhelming force beating down on your doorstep.

It might not look like much now, but that one Biker will give you a world of pain.

It might not look like much now, but that one Biker will give you a world of pain.

It has one special rule. Once you’ve lost a property, you’ll never claim it back. No capturing, no way. You’ll have to focus on preventing the enemy from taking what’s going to be eventually theirs. But then, you’ve also got to take out the firepower. High score? How many days you make it before you’re ground into a fine powder.

While your fate is sealed, you can at least make your last stand. How long can YOU survive the onslaught?

This is one of the many survival modes the game will feature, each with a different flavour. Some of the modes in Advance Wars: Dual Strike may return as well. Or, something similar, perhaps!

Posted in Game Modes, Survival Modes.

5 Responses

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  1. tk says

    Welcome back, I thought the idea was dead.
    Do you have an idea of what you want the final thing to be?
    It just seems like you are going to end up working on this forever.
    All the best for this, hopefully we see it in action one day.

    • Xenesis says

      Yeah, I have a pretty good overall idea of what I want to do with the thing.

      A huge break inbetween was that I suddenly learned how to code significantly better. Which meant that I went back and re-coded the entire hack from scratch. Still learning, still improving. It’ll happen. However long it takes 😛

      • tk says

        Fair enough.
        Good Luck.
        I look forward to seeing it complete.

  2. Max says

    I admire your dedication man. I’ll definitely be waiting, however long it takes 🙂

  3. Archangel Gabriel himself says

    Can we please see the WHOLE map? Are there factories for OS?

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