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CO-Unique Deployed Armies

“We wanted to give the place a personal touch, a bit of unique decor. You have to get the tanks to match the artillery, after all.” – Stefan, Military Exterior Decorator

For a long time, armies have marched into battle with little more than just a nod and a standard pre-deployed force. These days are now over!

Grit's Force has an extra Artillery.

In pre-deployed maps, each CO can have a unique assortment of units at their disposal. Usually they’ll be something that the CO uses well!

Eagle is running around with a spare Copter!

Puts a bit of a unique twist on deployed maps….

Posted in Features.

8 Responses

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  1. Tiffany_Sniffers_Tiffins says


    This is genius.

  2. adrian says

    struck of genius

  3. tummychow says

    This game needed a good refresher and it’s coming from all the right people
    in short this is awesome!
    Keep it up; I can’t wait to try it out. Will there be a beta?

  4. Kiesh2 says

    I love this idea Xenesis! Keep up the great work on this great game! 🙂

  5. redlock says

    Are you still working on this? It looks really good!

    • Xenesis says

      I am, although progress is currently slow.

      Really busy part of the year at the moment.

  6. BobTheBuilder says

    play starcraft 2 noobs… this game is outdated… and probs never will get finished…

    • Xenesis says

      People play Advance Wars for RTS competition? News to me.

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