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“Soldiers think that garrisoning in cities gives them more protection. It just gives them less places to hide.” – Corporal Markus

War is tough. Sometimes the enemy is so dug in, there isn’t much you can do.

A tough nut to crack.

We're not taking them off the cities that way.

So, time for a bit of grit and determination!

Time for a show stopper!

What helped protect them before is just a liability now!

As for what comes next:

And the rest, as they say is history.


National Army of Littorand

Bio: A Boscan deserter working to bring down his homeland’s government. A stalwart defender of his men’s lives.
Hit: Cigarettes
Miss: Hospitals

Skill – Soldier’s Shield

Klaus’ years of working with Bosca have given him much experience holding defensive positions and keeping his troops alive. Competent and powerful, his troops have above-average defensive skills.

CO Power – Earthshaker

Klaus’ troops forsake the defensive cover provided by their surrounds in order to stage a violent siege against the enemy. Enemy troops who are in strong defensive positions suffer significantly more damage than usual.

Posted in Commanding Officers, Littorand.

3 Responses

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  1. Mark999 says

    Awesome. This is my favorite CCO so far – his ability is very creative and couldn’t possibly be THAT overpowered. Very nice.

  2. Kiesh2 says

    I agree with Mark999, this CO would make enemies think twice about placing units on cities for extra defence, or to heal units.

  3. SwampertOwns says

    And I agree with both of above posts. This CCO will rock. And against Lash? While Prime Tactics is in effect? OUCH.

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