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“My wife would always laugh when I said I’m going down for a few weeks.” – Terry, Submarine Commander

The Submarine is always a mainstay of powerful, militant nations. They’ve always had one flaw though, they’re too slow!

Hmm, that battleship is just a touch out of range.

Fortunately, there is a new solution.

Let's shed some water.

Now that Battleship is going down!

And, just like that – a surfaced sub has shortened the life of a dangerous battleship.

Unfortunately, that cruiser might not appreciate what you've done to its friend.



Attack: Ships
Ammo: 6


Fuel: 70
Move: 7
Move Class: Heavy Ship
Cost: 20000
Rebuild: 10
Skills: Dive
Class: High-Tech, Naval


An anti-ship submarine that excels at sinking the enemy naval forces. It can dive underwater to hide itself from the enemy. This however costs extra fuel and reduces the Submarine’s movement.

Posted in Navy, Units.

2 Responses

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  1. Juigi says

    More creative diving weakness than weakening the sub’s defense, which in retrospect only punishes certain matchups instead of providing a good general weakness.

    Also, what is Rebuild about?

    • Xenesis says

      I’ll tell you all about rebuild in a future update 🙂

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