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“To perform maintenance on a malfunctioning device, apply repeated pressure to the device using a large metallic rod in several successive motions. If a metallic rod is not available, one’s appendages may suffice” – Engineer’s Maintenance Handbook, Chapter 3

The process to bring a new unit to the battlefield is a lot more arduous than one might think. Sure, we might just give an order – the little guys out there have to carry it out…

Time to get spamming!

First one's out of the gate!

As such, we always want…MORE!

Those hats aren't cheap, you know.

Whoa. Turns out that the costs will rise depending on how many you have on the field. We’re environmentally friendly these days…and recycle.


Repairs never go up in price, though. There’s always a used parts market. You don’t get any extra for joining units either….

Oh dear.

Might want to keep things under control, though!

Posted in Features.

3 Responses

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  1. Elf says

    Oho, I like this one!

  2. Artea says

    Instead of calling it Re-Build, the usual term for this in rts/tbs/strategy games is “upkeep”.

    Either way pretty cool concept!

    • Xenesis says

      Personally, I always associated the term ‘upkeep’ as a regular cost to use the unit.

      It was just one of those things that popped into my head and made sense somehow 😛

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