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“Pillaging was a lot more fun before everyone was doing it” – Captain Redbeard, Raider

A life on the sea is never an easy one. You can’t find anywhere to call home.

Well, not until now!

Gunboats have the amazing ability to capture properties. Your enemies won’t know what hit them!

I'll be taking that!

Any coastal property can be captured!

I don't think Hawke is impressed.



Attack: Ships
Ammo: 4


Fuel: 50
Move: 7
Move Class: Light Ship
Cost: 8000
Rebuild: 10
Skills: Capture
Class: Soldier, Basic, Naval


A light but powerful marine craft. They carry short range missile weapons and are capable of securing properties such as ports or coastal cities.

Posted in Navy, Soldiers, Units.

5 Responses

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  1. Juigi says

    Harbors are fine. HQs would be fine because the map wouldn’t have too many of them. But Gunboat City traversing absolutely bugs me.

    • Xenesis says

      It’s to give a reason to go for a naval force in the first place….the use of the navy begins and ends at the shoreline, unlike the other two unit classes.

  2. Sniffers says

    I can’t wait for this hack to be ready, it looks really epic. I love the idea of this unit, it looks like it’ll really make things interesting.

  3. Drake says

    This gave me an idea. If DoR get a sequel gunboats and landers should be able to use material to deploy foot soldiers.

  4. Kiesh2 says

    I agree which Xenesis, it’ll encourage people to use their navy much more. Or it’ll just encourage people to gunboat spam 😛

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